Crazy Wednesday: The Tuition Fee Protest

The recent student protest in London was not expected to be as big as it turned out to be. Last Wednesday, thousands of university students went to the Millbank Tower to show the collision government their discontent on the increase of tuition fees in higher institutions.

Some student protesters vandalized property and sprayed graffiti. The Daily Mail revealed that some university lecturers were part of a group that incited students to carry out a violent demonstration. Specific Labour MPs allegedly tweeted messages to commend the effort of vandals.

The 23 year old male protester that allegedly threw a fire extinguisher from the roof of the Millbank Tower, the Conservative Party headquarters, was later arrested by the police and 'held on suspicion of violent disorder'.

Police Federation representatives have called for the person who flung the empty metal fire extinguisher to be charged with attempted murder.
Senior officers said it narrowly missed injuring two territorial support group officers, brushing down the back of one and hitting the knees of another.
—-The Telegraph

Some police officers were injured in the protest. Insufficient police officers could not control about 50,000 protesters. 50 people were arrested by the police and released on bail while 14 people were injured. Why did the students target the Tory headquarters in the first place? Was it not the Liberal Democrats that promised to be fair on tuition fees as a party manifesto?

The Liberal Democrat Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg blamed himself for signing the tuition pledge before the last election although ‘the Lib Dems have signed up to coalition plans to hike existing fees of £3,290-a-year to up to £9,000.’

The Liberal Democrats should have confronted the Tories on their pledge on tuition fees because a lot of students voted for them on the basis of tuition fees. The least the Lib Dems could have done was to decrease the fee hike by disagreeing with the Tories but did not.

The Liberal Democrats have certainly let their student voters down and it would be recalled that Mr Clegg has accused some angry voters of spitting at him and putting dog excrement through his letter box because of government spending cuts.

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A lot of University graduates are jobless in the UK due to lack of jobs. The ‘fear’ of some student protesters is the fact that they would graduate with bank debts that could be increased by the hike in tuition fees. Below is a history graduate that was looking for a job in 2009. He actually got a job, some hours after doing a human billboard or sandwich board job advertisement. Sandwich board job advertising could be ‘degrading’ but is frustration not worse?
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